
Layout Design

Testimonial: “It’s the best piece of marketing I think we have ever had.” - Executive Director of University Stores

The Problem: In an ordinary year, the University of Pittsburgh holds a fashion show to showcase product from its stores. Due to COVID, I had to develop a new way to show their latest looks.

The Solution: I combined the branding of all stores to create one, cohesive magazine. It was important to represent all of our potential clientele, so we included models of all ages and sizes. Additionally, the magazine represents the joys of Pittsburgh in the fall with soft yellow colors and bright accents through the photos.

Challenges: How to make a magazine work both in print form and on a website. I worked with ecommerce and developers to create a solution to showcase the magazine through a clickable web slider. This worked for both web and mobile.

Tools used: Indesign, Illustrator, Photoshop
