
Bike Pitt

Purpose: The University of Pittsburgh wanted to create branding for their new mobility initiative, Bike Pitt. They wanted branding that presents something that not only current cyclists will relate to, but something that will get more people on bikes.

Techniques: This logo was created on Illustrator with shapes and the pen tool.

Design Decisions: This logo represents what it means to bike at Pitt! The bikes symbolize the vast diversity among our students, staff, and faculty, as well as the diversity among the bikes used to ride to and from campus. This idea communicates that you don’t need to be a cyclist to ride to class or work, but rather you can bike to preserve our environment, to save money on gas, or to get some exercise. This logo was user tested among designers, non-designers, and cyclists. The votes were unanimous that the logo made them excited about cycling. When asking them what word associations came to mind, the users replied with words such as: ‘safety’, ‘clean’, ‘fitness’ and ‘joy’.

Outcome: This logo is now used for all Bike Pitt branding: signs, bike rooms, bike lockers, and bicycling gear.