Purpose: I was commissioned to design a brochure that a start up could present to potential clients. They had originally hired Staples graphic design services and were very unhappy with the tri-fold they made.
Techniques: This was created in InDesign with elements brought in from Photoshop and Illustrator.
Design Decisions: Because this company is brand new, they didn’t have any images to provide. With them being based in Minneapolis, I thought using photos of the city would be a great opportunity to show their roots. They were also concerned with their colors on their logo being too mundane like many other security companies. So, I added bright sky blue and a bold orange color into the design, explaining to them that just because other security companies branding are outdated, doesn’t mean you have to as well. This gave them the opportunity to really stand out from the crowd and get clients excited about their product.
After the brochure, my client asked me to work on a letterhead and a graphic to replace the lengthy email he was sending to potential customers. He wanted a way to consolidate the text into something easier to navigate and understand as a new customer.
Outcome: This start up is now well on their way to gaining clients and growing!
Testimonial: “Elly did a great job providing a quality design within my timeframe, offered her expertise, and really made me feel like we were both just as excited about our project. I would highly recommend!”