
Pitt Farmers Market Logo & Assets

Purpose: When a new location for the Pitt Farmers Market was being discussed, the university thought it would be a great time for a rebrand. This time, they asked that the logo be retro and have a 70’s feel. As for posters, banners, and other signage, they wanted to take it up a notch more. We wanted something busy (yet readable), fun, and colorful.

Techniques: This design was created in Photoshop and Illustrator.

Design Decisions: Because they asked for a more obscure feel to the logo, I wanted to keep the colors more traditional when someone thinks of a farmers market. I wanted the logo to be bright and cheerful and mimic the feeling of walking through the outdoor market on a summer day. This includes colors we might see in fruits and vegetables. All colors were found on the University of Pittsburgh’s accent color palette.

Outcome: This branding will launch in the summer of 2021 along with the new location of the farmers market.