
Safe Passing Jersey

Purpose:  To promote a recent law the League of Michigan Bicyclists (LMB) passed into the state, we wanted a creative a way to spread the news to motorists. This new law requires drivers to leave a minimum of three feet between them and a cyclist when passing. I was asked to place a current graphic of the three foot law on the front. In addition we wanted to use a bright color, making cyclists easily visible.

Techniques:  This design was done in collaboration with LMB's Executive Director. I created the design in Illustrator and brought in the front graphic from an already established promotion of the law.

Design Decisions: I chose a bright green because it provided the concept of standing out, yet looks visually appealing. The back of the jersey was the aspect in which I was given most liberties. We wanted to portray a a clear message, but with the fewest words and images while maintaining the gravity of the law. More so, we wanted the jersey to look appealing, making it something that cyclists not only wanted to purchase for the content, but also the style.

Outcome: These jerseys will be for sale through LMB and will help to spread the word  of the new law to motorists on the road. This jersey will also simultaneously help make cyclists more visible do to the color and addition of the reflective stitching.